Hello Again

Hello. It’s been a year and a half since I have written anything here.  I think it’s time I fix that.

I have all these ideas for post. I’ve even started some and then stop. Life gets busy and when I get stressed the things I enjoy get pushed to the side. Things like photography and writing.  Add to that I really struggle with how much to share.  I have all this “stuff” going on in my life and could write and write and write but it’s not just my life, it’s my husband and my kids’ lives as well.  Is it really fair for me to write and share when it’s not all mine? My husband is a very private person and so I know he is not a fan of public sharing.  My kids are 11 and 13, heading into those years of being so self-conscious and their lives are not mine to share either.  So instead of sharing all these words that run through my head as I dreamed of when I started this blog, I sit and do nothing with them.

Last year I began homeschooling my daughter who was in 5th grade at the time.  It worked out so well that we are doing it again this year.  One of the best things about homeschooling to me is it has allowed her to really blossom in her talents.  One of those is writing.  She loves to write stories and often was discouraged from this in public school because her time was to be spent on assignments.  She was told to do it in her spare time but, to be honest, by the time she finished her assignments she was to mentally and emotionally burnt out to write.  Since starting to homeschool she has has wrote so many stories.  She is currently working on chapter 11 of a book she is writing!  After she finishes it she wants to look into the publishing process and see if she can publish it.  This is a huge homeschooling win in my book!

I write all that to get to this point.  As I was telling Randy, my husband, about her and her writing earlier this week he looks at me and ask why I haven’t been writing.  He ask, well actually says more pointedly, “Why don’t you write when she does.”.  I didn’t have a good answer and gave a typical mom excuse. I said ‘I can’t, I have to much to get done. I can’t sit and write when there’s so much I have to get done around here.” He just gave me a look.

Since then I keep thinking about my writing and what I can write about when I don’t feel like I can share much of life’s happenings when it’s not all my life.  I know I love to write, it feels good to sit here and type all these word coming to mind, even if no one else reads them. I know I have a story to tell. I just have to figure out how to tell that story without invading my family’s privacy.

Until God tells me a little bit more about what I’m supposed to write I am going to try and start posting more.  Even little tidbits like today.  The more I write, the better I will become.  The more I write, the more the words will flow.

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